Boral is a founding member of Cement Concrete & Aggregates Australia (CCAA), the nation's peak body representing the heavy construction materials industry in Australia, from hard rock quarries and sand extraction operations to cement manufacturing and concrete batching plants.
We have been continuously manufacturing in Australia for more than 75 years and maintain strong partnerships, ties and memberships with industry groups and associations across relevant sectors.
These include:

The CIF is the peak industry association for manufacturers of clinker, cement and cement products in Australia. CIF’s membership accounts for 100 per cent of Australian integrated clinker and cement production.

Roads Australia brings a collaborative and solutions-focused approach to policy development, facilitating an environment where industry and government can come together to work towards mutually beneficial outcomes.

The Australian Flexible Pavement Association (AfPA) is the peak body for the multi-billion dollar flexible pavement industry in Australia.

The Institute of Quarrying Australia (IQA) has a long and proud history of connecting the extractive industry, supporting networking, and the professional development and careers of those in the industry.

Australian producers and marketers of power station ash formed the Ash Development Association of Australia (ADAA) with the objective of investigating and developing market opportunities for the use of these materials in various industry applications such as construction, agriculture and manufacturing.

ISC is Australia and New Zealand’s authority on sustainable infrastructure projects and assets. The IS Council’s purpose is to ensure all infrastructure delivers cultural, social, environmental and economic benefits.

Climate Active is an Australian Government program that supports national climate policy by driving voluntary climate action by Australian businesses. The brand represents Australia’s collective effort to measure, reduce, and offset carbon emissions to lessen our negative impact on the environment.

NATA is Australia’s leading national accreditation body, recognised by government to assess organisations against a number of international standards for laboratories, inspection bodies, proficiency testing scheme providers and reference material producers.

MECLA is a ‘do tank’ powered by volunteers from partner organisations, collaborating in working groups to drive the reduction of embodied carbon in the building and construction industry.