We aim to lead the way in offering innovative and sustainable construction material products and services that meet our customers’ changing needs.
In addition to our Circular Materials Solution for construction and demolition waste, we offer a range of products with improved sustainability attributes, including increased use of recycled materials and lower carbon emissions.
Lower Carbon Concrete
We are prioritising lower carbon concrete innovation, development and availability. This supports our own decarbonisation goals – we are aiming to reach net zero emissions by 2050 – and our customers’ lower carbon and sustainability ambitions. This includes enabling customers to achieve sustainability goals such as Green Star and the Infrastructure Sustainability Council rating schemes.
Over time, our ambition is to shift our conventional concrete mixes to lower carbon concrete mixes, and position specific products as the standard for our customers.
Boral’s lower carbon concretes combine our distinctive proprietary binder ingredient – ZEP® technology – with our expertise in concrete-mix design to replace the cement used in concrete with SCMs. SCMs are typically ground-granulated blast-furnace slag and fly ash, which are by-products of steel manufacturing and coal-fired power generation, respectively.
In addition to our ENVISIA®, Envirocrete® Plus, and Envirocrete® range of products, we also tailor carbon neutral solutions for customers using the Australian Climate Active Carbon Neutral Standard.
For customers wanting a carbon neutral concrete product, we can offer any concrete covered by a current Environmental Product Declaration (EPD), plus carbon offsets, under our current Climate Active certification.
Recycled Materials
We offer a range of recycled materials to our customers, diverting more than two million tonnes of waste annually and re-using precious resources across our Cement, Concrete, Asphalt and Quarries businesses. Our recycled products include the INNOVO™ asphalt system and Envir-O-Agg® Blended Sand.