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Boral Australia manufactures a large range of cementitious materials for different uses and applications. Our upstream Cement operations manufacture clinker using our own limestone, import clinker to grind into cement, and classify fly ash and grind slag as supplementary cementitious materials.

Quality control, innovation and an ongoing program for continual improvement has taken Boral Cement to the forefront of the Australian cement industry. 

Cement is a critical element in Boral’s integrated supply chain, supplying both downstream operations and external customers. We have significant supply capability and capacity across the east coast. Boral is able to deliver up to 4 million tonnes of cement into the Australian marketplace per annum. We also have unique hard-to-recreate assets, including a limestone mine with significant reserves that supply our plant in Berrima, NSW. With grinding capability at Berrima, Maldon, Geelong and Brisbane, these assets provide operational flexibility to meet demand on the east coast. 

Our close proximity to critical road networks and rail infrastructure puts us in a strong position to serve our internal and external customers efficiently with high quality, locally produced cement. We are an integrated cement manufacturer in NSW, and our network enables our product to efficiently move from the mine to customer. In NSW, we also have a market-leading position in packaged cement and drymix, which we supply through our trusted reseller network. 

Our new grinding facility at Geelong, Victoria is now operational, importing clinker and slag to supply to our customers and downstream operations in Victoria and Tasmania. Our extensive cement depot network across NSW, Victoria and Tasmania allows Boral to be more responsive in meeting customer demand throughout Australia’s eastern states. The network allows us to transport cementitious material by rail, road and sea from production sources in Berrima and Geelong, to eight key metropolitan and regional storage depots across the three eastern states.

In Queensland, our Sunstate Cement Joint Venture supplies our external and downstream demand. We also operate a fly ash processing facility at the Tarong Power Station, which together with our Flyash Australia JV, sees us supply fly ash to our Queensland, NSW and Victorian customers supporting our commitment to the circular economy and reducing our carbon footprint.

Decarbonising Cement Manufacturing

The manufacture of cement, a key ingredient in concrete, has a substantial carbon footprint. As such, many of the opportunities for emissions reductions relate to our Cement business.

We also import clinker and purchase cement domestically. Reducing the carbon intensity of our clinker and cement purchases over time will be one of the levers to help reduce our Scope 3 emissions.


Boral Cement Manufacturing Process
Cement Decarbonisation Levers