Boral’s policy is to comply with all environmental legislation, regulations, standards and codes of practice relevant to the particular business in each of the communities in which we operate.
In July 2012, the NSW Government introduced legislation with respect to the public reporting of environmental monitoring data for all operations holding an Environmental Protection Licence (EPL). If an EPL includes monitoring as a licence condition, the holder must publish or make available data relating to pollution within 14 days of obtaining that data.
View the latest reports for each operational site covered by this legislation including their environmental protection licence details. A copy of each operations most current EPL can be obtained via the NSW Environment Protection Authority's (EPA) public register.
The current Pollution Incident Response Management Plan (PIRMP) for each of the relevant operations can also be found on this page.
For feedback or complaints, click on the Boral Operation site name to view phone number and operating hours. If you are interested in data from previous reports (i.e. greater than 4 years), or have a question concerning any of the following information, you can email us a request.
We take very seriously our commitments and responsibilities to manage dust across all of our sites.
Read more about Boral's Dust Management.
Environmental or Community (fugitive) Dust
All of Boral’s sites are required to meet their regulatory requirements with regards to fugitive (visible) dust.
This includes monitoring and reporting applicable air quality data to relevant state-based regulatory authorities.
We continue to monitor and review our dust management approach and will work collaboratively with regulators and government to make sure our controls meet and, where possible, exceed required standards to safeguard the health and safety of our people.
Boral Asphalt NSW
Boral Cement - NSW
Boral Berrima (Medway) Colliery and Mine
Medway Road, Medway NSW 2577
Note - this site is currently not operational pending closure.
Boral Coffs Harbour Cement Distribution Terminal
Christmas Bells Road, Coffs Harbour NSW 2450
- EPL 5675
- PIRMP (Nov 2024)
Boral Maldon Cement Works
Maldon Bridge Road, Maldon NSW 2571
Boral Quarries - NSW
Boral Culcairn Quarry
Weeamera Road, Culcairn NSW 2660
Boral Currabubula Quarry
Werris Creek Road, Currabubula NSW 2342
Boral Grafton Quarry
231 Fitzroy Street, Grafton NSW 2460
Boral Hall Quarry
Kaveneys Road, Jeir via Murrumbateman NSW 2618
Boral Johns River Quarry
Bulleys Road, Johns River NSW 2443
Boral Macksville Quarry
Pacific Highway, Macksville NSW 2447
Boral Mugga Quarry
321 Mugga Ln, Symonston ACT 2609
- Mugga Overburden Expansion Project - EPBC 2018/8151: Compliance Report Year 4 (2024)
- Mugga Overburden Expansion Project - EPBC 2018/8151: Compliance Report Year 3 (2023)
- Mugga Overburden Expansion Project - EPBC 2018/8151: Compliance Report Year 2 (2022)
- Mugga Overburden Expansion Project - EPBC 2018/8151: Compliance Report Year 1 (2021)
- Mugga Quarry Overburden Expansion Project – EPBC 2018/8151 Environmental Management Plan
Boral Peats Ridge Quarry
Bushells Road, Peats Ridge NSW 2250
Boral Peppertree Quarry
843 Marulan South Road, Marulan South NSW 2579
- EPL 13088
- PIRMP - Peppertree Quarry
- POELA - Air Quality monitoring data
- POELA - Blasting monitoring data
- POEO - Noise monitoring data
- Peppertree Overburden Expansion Project EPBC 2018/8243 Compliance Report Year 2 2023-2024
- Peppertree Overburden Expansion Project EPBC 2018/8243 Compliance Report Year 1 2022-2023
Boral Seaham Quarry
Italia Road, Seaham NSW 2324
Boral Shadforth (Orange) Quarry
Millthorpe Road, Shadforth NSW 2800
Boral Stockton Quarry
18-20 Coxs Lane, Fullerton Cove NSW 2318
Boral Talbragar Quarry
Old Gilgandra Road, Brocklehurst NSW 2830