Boral’s policy is to comply with all environmental legislation, regulations, standards and codes of practice relevant to the particular business in each of the communities in which we operate.

In July 2012, the NSW Government introduced legislation with respect to the public reporting of environmental monitoring data for all operations holding an Environmental Protection Licence (EPL). If an EPL includes monitoring as a licence condition, the holder must publish or make available data relating to pollution within 14 days of obtaining that data.

View the latest reports for each operational site covered by this legislation including their environmental protection licence details. A copy of each operations most current EPL can be obtained via the NSW Environment Protection Authority's (EPA) public register.

The current Pollution Incident Response Management Plan (PIRMP) for each of the relevant operations can also be found on this page.

For feedback or complaints, click on the Boral Operation site name to view phone number and operating hours. If you are interested in data from previous reports (i.e. greater than 4 years), or have a question concerning any of the following information, you can email us a request.

Boral Asphalt NSW

Boral Seven Hills Asphalt

25 Powers Road, Seven Hills NSW 2146

Boral Carrington Asphalt

4 Gross Street, Carrington NSW 2294

Boral Enfield Asphalt

1 - 5 Norfolk Road Greenacre NSW 2190

Boral Cement - NSW

Boral Coffs Harbour Cement Distribution Terminal

Christmas Bells Road, Coffs Harbour NSW 2450

Boral Kooragang Cement

100 Cormorant Road, Kooragang Island NSW 2304

Boral Coonabarabran Quarry

9010 Newell Highway, Coonabarabran NSW 2357

Boral Recycling - NSW

Boral Kooragang Recycling

1/24 Egret Street, Kooragang NSW 2304

Boral Transport - NSW