A Boral team recently came together to support Central Queensland’s long-term water security through their involvement in the Gladstone Area Water Board’s Fitzroy to Gladstone Pipeline (FGP). The team of additional Drivers, Batchers in Charge and Area Managers from Cairns, Townsville, Mackay, Rockhampton and Agnes Waters came together to support the Gladstone team deliver more than 100 truckloads of concrete, from batching plants in Gladstone and Calliope, over two twelve-hour days.

The 1,500 cubic metres of concrete was poured to create the base for one of two water reservoirs at Aldoga, 20km north-west of Gladstone.

With Queensland’s heat and distances to contend with – the team had to work together to efficiently manage the supply chain – with powder deliveries out of Brisbane, sand from Rockhampton, local aggregate and more to be coordinated. 

The pour was delivered safely and without disruption and the customer, the McConnell Dowell BMD Joint Venture was extremely satisfied. 

Operations Manager Country Queensland North said, "It was the most satisfying feeling being there and seeing our Country Concrete team deliver such a great outcome for this important community project. And the best thing is we get to do it all again in late 2024 for the base of the second reservoir.".

The FGP will provide long-term water security for the Gladstone community.  Once complete, the 117km pipeline will stretch from the Lower Fitzroy River in Rockhampton, connecting to Gladstone Area Water Boards existing water network at Yarwun Water and addressing the single source water supply risk from Awoonga Dam. 

Concrete Area Manager, Craig Rutherford said “Being an integral supplier to the FGP is yet another opportunity for us to support the Gladstone economy and help cement Gladstone’s water security.”