A new bridge is rising in the regional town of Dubbo, set to ease traffic congestion and improve access across the Macquarie River during flood events.

The Australian and NSW governments are investing $263.2 million to deliver this region-shaping piece of infrastructure on the Newell Highway in Dubbo.

Work on the 660-metre bridge structure is underway, with the concrete deck being built in sections each involving a pour of 105 cubic metres of concrete to provide a deck slab up to 25 centimetres deep.

Our Dubbo concrete team has been working hard on this project since mid-2023, with lead batcher Steven Cummins ensuring each load meets the strict B80 specification. They've been working closely with Transport for NSW to provide the best experience on these critical pours.

Over 5,680 cubic metres of concrete has been supplied so far, including our Envirocrete® lower carbon concrete. B80 40MPa concrete has been used for over 71 individual pours to build the structure to date. 

Boral has also supplied the concrete piles, with pile driving recently completed along the entire length of the new structure which crosses the Macquarie River and a section of the floodplain east of the river.

The deck pours will be carried out progressively while the rest of the bridge takes shape, with the final deck pour expected in mid-2025.

Once the concrete deck is completed, the final step in building the bridge surface will be to add an eight-centimetre thick layer of asphalt.

“On my recent visit to see the bridge I saw how transformative this bridge will be to Dubbo and I thank the workers who have given so much to this project," said NSW Regional Transport and Roads Minister, Jenny Aitchison.

Thanks to the collaborative efforts of our regional Technical Services and Sales teams, we've been able to design mixes using local materials to meet the project's specifications.

"The new Dubbo Bridge is a transformative piece of infrastructure for the region, and Boral is proud to have leveraged our local quarries to contribute bespoke concrete mixes that ensure this bridge will serve generations to come," said Mark Campbell, Executive General Manager of Concrete and Quarries NSW at Boral. 

We're proud to be part of building this important new bridge for the Dubbo community, with expected construction completion in 2027.