Mechanical Apprentice - Berrima Cement Works

When did you start with Boral and what attracted you to join us?
I started with Boral in January 2023 as a Mechanical Apprentice as Berrima Cement Works. When I left school, I didn’t know what career I wanted however I knew I wanted something hands on. I have always been interested in knowing how things work/mechanics.
When I was looking for jobs, I came across the opportunity at Boral and applied. The interview process was really welcoming. I was given the opportunity to do work experience before fully committing and that helped a lot. That week I met the team and spent time with them. I feel as though Boral set me up for success from the start.
What is your current role and what does a typical ‘day in the life of’ for you involve?
I am currently in the learning phase. I have been buddying up with Greg in the kiln, Billy in raw mills and Callum in the cement mill. We are constantly maintaining our machines and if anything isn’t running right or breaks – we fix it. The team have been really good at showing me the ropes and really explaining what is happening and how everything is connected. The most interesting part of my role has been walking inside the kiln and watching the big wheels inside the raw mill spin and crush up the rocks.
This year’s theme for IWD is #EmbraceEquity. What does equity mean for you?
Equity refers to opportunities that are based on individual needs, personal factors, demographic, etc.
In my experience as a first year apprentice, the team are supporting me and developing me to make sure my skills and knowledge are where they need to be. They make sure I feel included and always bring me into the conversation.
What aspect of your role are most people often surprised/fascinated to hear more about?
People are surprised by the fact that I am a Mechanical Apprentice.
Who has been most influential in supporting /shaping your career to date?
My parents have influenced and supported me the most. My dad is a truck driver, so I have always been around big machinery. I also grew up building cars with him and that piqued my interest in mechanics. My mum is very encouraging and always makes sure that I am okay mentally and physically.
What career advice would you share with other women?
Go headfirst and do it. It might be daunting but it’s worth it in the long run. If you like being hands on and using tools and are a natural problem solver, then this role/career path is great.
To truly embrace equity, we all have a role to play. What advice can you share for how we can all embrace equity at Boral and further support the careers of women?
Being inclusive goes a long way. Being supportive of having women in the workplace, ensuring comfort and having equal amenities (accessible and clean). Also being prepared to have a female working with you is imp