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Boral is Australia's leading quarry operator with more than 70 metropolitan and country quarries, sand pit and gravel operations producing concrete aggregates, asphalt and sealing aggregates, crushed rock, sands and gravels, pavement materials and base and sub-base for road, civil and site works.

Quarries are vital to the building and construction industries. To build our homes, workplaces, public buildings and roads, and the other infrastructure upon which we rely, we need these essential raw materials of stone, gravel and sand. 

Each year, the building and construction industry needs more than 190 million tonnes of quarry materials. As well as providing these essential materials, quarries are a key employer within local communities and promote local investment. The quarry industry provides more than 10,000 jobs directly and supports another 80,000 indirectly, often in rural and regional locations. Quarrying is also vital to the production of asphalt and concrete, Australia’s most used building materials.

Boral quarries produce a range of materials by extracting suitable rocks and stone from the earth to make construction aggregates, sands and other quarry products. The locations of quarries are determined by local geology and require naturally occurring stone, sand and gravel. They must also be positioned near efficient transport routes by either road or rail.

At Boral, we have quarries, sand pits and gravel operations located across all states and territories. We are the leading quarry operator in Australia, supplying about 30 million tonnes of product annually to our downstream operations and external customers.

Featured Products

Concrete Aggregates

Granular material either natural/processed from deposits of sand, gravel or rock.

Crushed Rock & Roadbase

A well graded material consisting of course and fine aggregates to maximise compaction.

Concrete Sand

A naturally occurring material with a nominal size of generally less than 5 millimetres. Typically washed and screened during the production process.

Asphalt Aggregates

A granular material  produced from deposits of sand or rock. Normally sized as coarse aggregate or fine aggregate.


Western Sydney International Airport

Explore Boral's contributions to Western Sydney International Airport, delivering sustainable and innovative construction solutions.

Featured Resources