Boral’s end-to-end solution manages demolition and excavation waste materials and returns them as recycled or reclaimed building products for more sustainable, commercial outcomes.

Download our Circular Materials Solutions guide

As a company striving to make a positive impact on the building and construction industry in Australia, Boral is proud to lead the way with its Circular Materials Solution (CMS) as a sustainable and economically feasible option to compliment any project.

With a network of recycling and laboratory facilities, Boral manages demolition and excavation waste materials such as concrete, sand, and brick that would often be destined for landfill. These materials are then reprocessed and turned into recycled, and lower carbon construction materials, ready to be reintroduced back into the industry.

Simple Full Circle Recycling

Boral proactively works with customers across all project stages to identify and manage construction waste, reduce waste disposal costs, improve visibility of material flow and compliance. Planning during the design phase of the construction project ensures materials are collected and separated during demolition or excavation and diverted from landfill. They are then reintroduced as new recycled, or reclaimed construction materials.

See How it Works

  • Waste material is diverted to a Boral facility where it goes through different processes including sorting, washing, and blending. It is then reintroduced back into the industry as more sustainable construction material
  • New lower carbon products or construction materials blended with recycled waste materials are delivered to site. Concrete can also be delivered using Boral’s proven supply, pump, and place delivery method, whereby oversupplied concrete can be returned for recycling.

Waste Management Service

Waste material managed by Boral includes:

  • Concrete
  • Brick
  • Reclaimed Asphalt
  • Excavated Sand
  • Sandstone
  • Tunnel Spoil
  • PASS

Technical CMS Support

When partnering with Boral experts, construction companies can embed sustainability and construction efficiencies across all project stages with an integrated solution from a single provider. 

Boral's team of technical experts and account managers work with the specifications of each project to achieve the following objectives:

  1. Effortlessly collect and redirect suitable demolition and excavation waste away from landfill.
  2. Identify possible opportunities for incorporating recycled and low-carbon products in the project, pinpoint potential savings, and assist in achieving sustainability targets.
  3. Evaluate project and assist in identifying project management efficiencies.
  4. Detailed reporting on recycling rates, carbon content, materials flows, to support green credits or certifications.

Let's go full circle together. Simple.

Contact our CMS experts to discuss your next project. Email us here.

Circular Projects

Mirvac - Green Square NSW

Our Thoughts

A sustainable approach with CMS

Discover the financial advantages of recycling construction waste. Embracing Boral's Circular Materials Solution (CMS) enables companies to optimise waste management, reduce disposal costs, streamline operations, and gain visibility into material flow. With CMS, construction companies can divert waste from landfill, access local recycling centres, and track waste management and material supply. By adopting sustainable practices and partnering with Boral, companies can save costs, demonstrate commitment to circularity, and position themselves for future opportunities in the industry.

Commercial benefits of CMS

Discover Boral's Circular Materials Solution (CMS) in this article, offering a comprehensive approach to improving sustainability in the construction industry. CMS provides visibility over materials flow, enables waste diversion, and offers recycled and lower carbon products for construction projects. By engaging early with Boral, developers and builders can design out waste, reduce landfill impact, maximise recycled content, and achieve sustainability targets. With streamlined transportation, cost efficiencies, and improved reporting, companies can position themselves as innovative leaders and contribute to a lower-carbon future. It's time to embrace sustainability and leave a future-proof legacy for generations to come.