Blue Circle® HS Concrete 50MPa* Mix is a high strength 50MPa* mix containing quality aggregate, sands and cement. It is suitable for concreting applications where higher strength is required.

Features and Benefits

Icon of hardware tools in a box

Used by both the professional and the home handy person - Just add water and mix

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A high cement content for increased strength, durability and workability

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Fast early age strength development with excellent finishing properties

Application / Use

Typical applications - all general concreting applications like:

  • Footings
  • Slabs
  • Pathways
  • Post hole filling etc.

Blue Circle® HS Concrete 50MPa* Mix provides higher compressive strength and superior durability compared to standard concrete mixes.

Blue Circle® HS Concrete 50MPa* Mix will typically achieve compressive strengths (refer graph in PDS) in excess of 50MPa after four weeks, when tested in accordance with the Australian Standards (AS1012 parts 8.1 & 9).

Blue Circle® HS Concrete 50MPa* Mix will achieve significantly higher compressive strength when compared to Blue Circle® Concrete Mix.

WARNING - Aluminium Substrates. Please note that cement based products such as Blue Circle® HS Concrete 50MPa* Mix are highly alkaline. Please consult the manufacturer of aluminium and galvanised products for appropriate priming and sealing measures prior to using with Blue Circle® HS Concrete 50MPa* Mix.

Concrete Mix Icons


  • 20kg bags
Bag of Concrete Mix