Recycled DGB 20 is produced predominately from Construction and Demolition (C & D) material sourced from within the local area. 

Features and Benefits

Icon of a plant inside a cog

An environmentally sustainable product

Icon of a graph depicting increase

Provides improved engineering characteristics to the finished products due to the controlled cementitious nature of the recycled content


Recycled DGB 20 is a Transport for NSW (TfNSW) specified material in accordance with the 3051 Edition 7 Specification. It is used in many applications including base and sub-base layers, backfill material, subgrade replacement and hardstand applications.


Produced from Widemere Recycling Facility. Please ask your account manager about availability. 


Recycled DGB 20 is produced from crushed C & D material that complies with the NSW EPA 2014 Resource Recovery Order and Exemption testing requirements. 

Contact us to request a quote