NorthLink has been designed to reduce congestion and delays and remove four of the state’s most dangerous intersections.
The southern section of the three-stage NorthLink project from Guildford Road to Reid Highway delivered new bridges and interchanges at the intersections of Collier Road and Morley Drive, a flyover to take Benara Road over Tonkin Highway, upgrades to Tonkin Highway north of Guildford Road and new cycling and pedestrian facilities including a four-metre-wide shared path. A dedicated mobile asphalt plant was established at Boral’s Orange Grove Quarry to supply the asphalt requirements for the project.
A successful high modulus asphalt mix design (EME) trial for Main Roads Western Australia resulted in approval for use. The project also provided an opportunity to trial use of live bottom asphalt trucks for delivery of asphalt, which improved efficiency.
Boral received the Australian Asphalt Pavement Association's Outstanding Project Award for Western Australia for its work on NorthLink.