In October, the Boral SA team hosted a group of 30 leaders from the South Australian Civil Construction industry and the Department of Infrastructure and Transport, taking them on a tour of our Stonyfell Quarry.

One of the oldest quarries in the state, Stonyfell Quarry was first regulated in 1837 and has provided much of the building materials used to build the city of Adelaide and its roads and railways over the past 180 years. The tour was a great opportunity for people from the industry to see the Boral operation and get a feel for the history and evolution of the site, including many recent safety and environmental improvements, which the Boral team James Magary, Quarry Manager, Vince Nigro, Quarry Support Manager, and Andy Baker, Operations Manager Quarries, spoke of proudly. 

The afternoon included a bus tour through the quarry to the top of the pit allowing the group to take in the panoramic views of the city, then behind the scenes of the quarry pit and plant, before a session outlining the safety improvements the Stonyfell team have made to the site over the past few years. The visit is part of a series of safety forums and visits to various sites in the Adelaide region coordinated by the Department of Infrastructure and Transport to share safety improvements and learnings among industry participants.

The visit is part of a series of safety forums and visits to various sites in the Adelaide region coordinated by the Department of Infrastructure and Transport to share safety improvements and learnings among industry participants.

Stonyfell Team
Stonyfell Team
Stonyfell Team