Boral's commitment to sustainability and decarbonisation was recently showcased to high-profile NSW Government stakeholders from the Environment Protection Authority (EPA) and NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCCEEW).

EPA CEO Tony Chappel, and the DCCCEEW's Net Zero Industry Innovation Program Director, Gill Goldsmith, and Energy, Climate Change and Sustainability Deputy Secretary, Kim Curtain, toured our Limestone Mine at Marulan and Cement Works at Berrima in NSW's Southern Highlands.

CEO Vik Bansal and EGM Cement Rajeev Ramankutty joined our VIP Guests showcasing these prized assets and sharing our sustainability ambitions, including the work we do in the circular economy.

While at Berrima, the visitors were provided an overview of our Chlorine Bypass and alternate fuels program, which replaces a proportion of the cement kiln's coal requirement with alternate fuels processed from waste materials that would otherwise go to landfill.


Boral remains an industry leader in the construction materials sector with an unwavering commitment to more sustainable practices and decarbonisation.