Boral Quarries Narangba
485 Raynbird Rd, Narangba QLD
1300 267 253
Monday - Friday: 6:00-18:00
Saturday: 6:00-12:00
Sunday: Closed
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The Narangba Quarry is located on Raynbird Road, Narangba, 37km north of Brisbane and northwest of the Narangba Township. Boral's landholdings cover an area of 469.8 hectares. Approximately 50ha are occupied by quarry operations and 420ha are buffer land. The Narangba Quarry is managed and operated by Boral since 1995, however the site has been operational since 1969. An existing town planning and environmental approval along with a Local Law Permit are in place for the operations.

The existing operation is contained within Lot 139 on SL10320 and Lot 1 on RP167435 with the other parcels owned by Boral acting as a buffer to the quarry's operation.

The site is identified as a Key Resource Area (KRA46) under the State Planning Policy for the Protection of Extractive Resources. Access for vehicles transporting materials to and from the quarry is via the haulage route of Raynbird Road, Oakey Flat Road and New Settlement Road to the Bruce Highway. Boral's Narangba Quarry is located within Key Resource Area - KRA46 as defined under the State Planning Policy.

Narangba quarry produces a range of sealing, asphalt and concrete aggregates as well as road base. The deposit is a resource of regional significance for the Brisbane region and as such is recognised as a Key Resource Area under the State Planning Policy 2/07: Protection of Extractive Resources. The site is designated as Regional Landscape and Rural Production Area in the South East Queensland Regional Plan 2005-2026.

The site secures a long term supply of quarry materials within the local communities in the Northern Brisbane region for the next 60+ years at the current rate of production.

A 500 metre wide separation distance has been adopted from the outermost boundary of the available resource, which is defined as the edge of land parcels currently zoned for extractive industry. Access for vehicles transporting materials to and from the quarry is via the haulage route of Raynbird Road, Oakey Flat Road, and New Settlement Road to the Bruce Highway.

Narangba quarry produces a range of sealing, asphalt and concrete aggregates as well as road base. There are four main rock types:

  • Greenstone
  • Blue Hornfels
  • Phylite; and
  • Granite.

The site is dominated by the NE-SW trending ridge of hornfelsed greenstone. The north-western corner of the Boral property is granite. The north-eastern corner is dominated by blue hornfels and phyllite. These rocks were originally a sequence of basalt, volcanic ash and mudstone, which were folded and faulted and subjected to regional metamorphism:

  • Volcanic Ash - Phylite
  • Mudstone - Shale
  • Basalt - Greenstone.

A second phase of heating occurred with the intrusion of the Dayboro granite (tonalite). The molten granite melted the shale and greenstone it came into contact with. When these beds cooled they formed to:

  • Shale-Blue Hornfels and/or
  • Greenstone.
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